Expert consulting for the following products
LibGuides library homepage
- Create, modify, and update custom library homepage
- Qualitative/Quantitative analysis of library homepage
LibGuides homepage for guides
- Create, modify, and update custom LibGuides homepage for guide list
- Statistical reporting. See our pricing here!
- Offer advice, best practices, and redesign
A-Z Databases
- Customize A-Z databases landing page
- Set up and maintenance of databases
- Optimization of all other Springshare products
OCLC WorldCat Discovery (WCD)
- Assistance with Service Configuration
- Custom WCD search box design
Google Analytics
- Set up and analyze statistics. See our pricing here!
- Conduct usability or user needs tests
- Including designing studies from start to finish with all Institutional Review Board (IRB) forms, other paperwork, data analysis, and reports included.
Library websites
- Inspect existing website for accessibility and usability issues and offer recommendations for improvement.
Reference and User Services
- Facilitate staff meetings such as strategic planning or staff retreat
- Conduct training on specific aspects of Reference and User Services work
- Advise on information literacy program design and assessment
- Design or critique program for training reference desk students
- Recommend social media policy/strategy
- Evaluate teaching librarians and provide constructive feedback
Minor web consulting
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript assistance available
- Including creation or modification of custom search boxes for library databases